When available, we have random samples which result from overages on an order. These are at no charge and may be shipped on your UPS or FedEx account number.
Yes, a pre-production sample, according to your specifications, is available for $60.00.
Our preferred file format is Vector Images with all text converted to outlines or curves. This may be created in Adobe Illustrator CS 6, Corel Draw 6 or earlier. We cannot use any of the following: PageMaker, Quark, Power Point, Word, Excel or other word processing rudimentary paint programs. We cannot accept faxes, photocopies and textured letterhead or business cards as artwork.
We do have a catalog available for non-internet users however our on-line catalog holds most of the same products and information. Since we are a manufacturer of custom cloth promotional items, we are not limited to the items you see on our site or in our catalog.
No. Over 125 years of business has resulted in thousands of patterns from which to choose. We can usually find a design (with or without minor alterations) to fit your needs. Given your specifications, sample and the use of the item, we can often make suggestions that will enhance the product.
Terms are net 30 with credit approval, COD, Cash in Advance or Credit Card. We accept VISA and MasterCard.
Standard delivery is UPS ground. Other shipping methods are available at respective rates. Shipping is F.O.B. factory – prepaid and added to the invoice unless otherwise indicated on your purchase order.
Nylon zippers are standard on all products with the exception of large courier bags. Metal zippers may be substituted for an additional price.
Fabric colors are subject to change without notice, due to mill availability.
All costs incurred, up to the cancellation date of an order, will be billed.
Every effort is made to ship the exact quantity on your order. However, we reserve the right to ship 5% over/under and invoice accordingly. Shipping the exact quantity must be specified on the purchase order when received.
We will not be responsible for verbal orders. Please e-mail, mail or fax orders for accuracy. To insure accuracy, all repeat orders must include our last order number if possible. We will acknowledge all orders in writing within 24 hours. Any corrections need to be made upon receipt of the order confirmation copy.
None. All of our products are made to order. Most of our customers require custom colors and details on their products. Because of the large number of options, colors, materials and details, it would be impossible to keep such a diverse inventory.
Materials and colors can be found on the following page: Materials
All prices include the application of a one color/one location silk-screen imprint. Every effort is made to match your specific ink or PMS color but exact matches are not guaranteed. Embroidery is available on a quote basis subject to stitch count.
Yes, however, for orders of less than our minimum requirements, a surcharge is added to the order. Types and sizes may not be combined to acquire higher pricing.
Lead-time is approximately 15-20 business days from receipt of your order and approved artwork. Special lock requests require a 6 to 8 week lead-time.
No, we do not. All orders are entered into our production schedule as they are received. This schedule is based upon the labor available at the time the order is placed. We try to honor your requested ship date whenever possible, so long as it does not interrupt the flow of our normal work schedule.